Brief Overview
We are a midsize company that has several, different rental websites in the Netherlands. Our objective is a fresh, new look that suits our younger target group.
The umbrella name for all our rental activities is: Huren-Utrecht (English name = Rental-Utrecht). We rent out various materials related to festivals and large and smaller parties. You can think of market stalls, fencing, beer tables, chairs, tables, tents, party tents, camp beds, light rentals,s etc.
Some of our websites are:
- bierbankje.nl (already featured at http://dev.bierbankje.nl/)
- Marktraamberverhuur.nl
- veldbedverhuur.nl
More product-related rental websites will follow within the next few weeks. We mainly rent in 1 province in the Netherlands. This is the province of Utrecht. That is why this city name is also included in our umbrella name for which we are looking for a logo. The province of Utrecht is one of the 12 provinces in the Netherlands and is known for its cathedral and the specific shape of its border. See the appendix for some images that are often used and are very recognizable for people from this area.
The logo is attached in the brief and would like to build on this and make it suitable for our rental webshops. It needs to be a nice, creative logo that appeals to the younger target group (15 to 40 years old and if possible also start selling T-shirts and clothing with this brand on it (in the future). For now, it needs to be contemporary, perhaps a little cheeky.
We are looking for a logo, corporate identity guide for our different shops, on our buildings and trucks and a 'one-page' website. No online webshop will be built for now. All sales will take place physically in the shops through terminals. It is then prepared by staff.
We are now looking for a complete design for our stores, website, and stationary of our e-commerce website that needs to incorporate the latest web 3.0 technologies including full social media interactivity. We are currently very successful in the industry with the widest assortment and not yet active in the online Dutch market so there is a big potential for us.
The cream of the crop in our industry are BOELS rental (https://www.boels.com/) and https://www.borent.nl/ and we want to do everything we can to exceed the success that they have had in their (offline) stores and online in Social Media.
Brand Name Huren-Utrecht Target Audience We supply our products to the general public. Marketing target group 20 to 65 years The logo: The logo we like very much is the logos attached. We would like you to develop a logo based on this item and future proof. The logo of our attachment Utrecht.png and Utrecht_1.png are examples we would like to follow.
Simple, pure, clean, and fresh We are not looking for you to supply any coding. All we need are layered PSDs suitable for print and online. The resolution size should be what is typical for a print and website or what is similar to it. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.