I build email systems that deliver emails to the inboxes of client's lists. The systems use advanced AI algorithms to deliver the emails.
What I want to illustrate in the logo is that the email reaches the inbox/ lands in the inbox. That the emails find it's way into the inbox.
Some of the general ideas to illustrate that point could be an email that goes through the correct path in a labyrinth to get to the inbox, avoiding all of the bad routes and choosing the correct root, maybe jumping over the Spam Filter wall on it's way into the inbox as well.
The logo I used before was just the picture of the email with an error.
There are a lot of challenges in the email delivery path from the sender to the inbox of the recipient, spam filters, email configuration, etc. Our hero is the Email.
The "main antagonist" is the Spam Filter. I want to illustrate that Smartmail Systems can avoid those obstacles and deliver the emails into the inbox.