Hola a tod@s. La empresa se dedica a la propiedad, compra y venta y a las inversiones de capital. Me gustaria un logo tipo el de straton oakmont del lobo de wall street, se podria usar el toro ¨bullish¨en med del leon por su simbolismo en el mundo de las inversiones, el resto os lo dejo a vosotros. No cabia el nombre y puse abreviaturas, se llama Lloyd Oehme Finance & Property Development Technology. un saludo.
Hello everyone. The company is engaged in ownership, buying and selling, and capital investments. I would like a logo similar to Straton Oakmont's from The Wolf of Wall Street, but with the "bullish" bull in the middle instead of the lion, due to its symbolism in the investment world. The rest is up to you. I couldn't fit the full name and used abbreviations; it's called Lloyd Oehme Finance & Property Development Technology. Best regards.