Ranking designs
To keep an optimal dynamic in your logo design contest it is essential that you keep the designers informed about your preferences via the Ranking Page. The ranking page has been specifically designed for you to make it easy to manage and compare all the different concepts designers will present to you. You are looking for that one logo design that exactly captures the essence of your company.

We have made it very easy. The new concepts enter on the left, the latest first and you can drag them to the right to rank and compare them, disqualify them, or do nothing.
You can also open up more columns on the left and right by dragging the red diamond-shaped icon in the middle to the left or right. See the image below.

Drag the icon above to the left or to the right to open up more columns in the incoming designs or in the ranking section. It makes it very easy to compare designs.
It is essential that you log on every day to rate and comment. The designs are ordered, in such a way, that the latest highest-ranked design will be in the first position for that designer.
Clicking on any design opens a module window that shows you all the designs of that specific designer. Here you can rate and comment on the entries.

On the right, you will find a chat function. You can use it to communicate with the designer on this specific design.
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