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For clients
How LogoLeague works
Launching your contest
Phases of the contest
Running a contest
Selecting finalists
Selecting winner
The source files
Logo transfer agreement
Invoice & Receipt
Hire A Designer
For designers
The Leagues
Your account
Designer code of conduct
Participating in a contest
Essential reading for designers
Managing Your Account
Files & formats

Adding Guaranteed & Privacy Upgrades

We have two upgrades that you could consider, even after starting the contest:

  1. Guaranteed contest

  2. Private contest

Running a competition |  Adding Guaranteed & Privacy Upgrades

Guaranteed contest

If you guarantee a contest designers are assured that their efforts will result in a winner. This upgrade does not cost you extra money.

Private contest

After the contest is completed we have the opportunity to publish it in our Gallery. If you choose this option it will never be public and cannot be indexed by search engines.

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