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How LogoLeague works
Launching your contest
Phases of the contest
Running a contest
Selecting finalists
Selecting winner
The source files
Logo transfer agreement
Invoice & Receipt
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For designers
The Leagues
Your account
Designer code of conduct
Participating in a contest
Essential reading for designers
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Files & formats

Is my contest private?

Generally, LogoLeague contests, once completed, are searchable online and can be seen by the Internet public audience.

How LogoLeague Works | Competition privacy?

Private contests

You can elect to keep your LogoLeague contest completely private. To do this, you must select the "Private Contest" option in, the last step of the logo contest brief before launching your contest. This status deems the contest unsearchable online and will block all processes from public view. If you need to switch your contest to private status, there will most likely be some temporary indexing by the public search engines. Unless you give permission, the designers cannot include work for "Private Contest" in their online portfolios or profiles.

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