Final files – What you provide the client
You need to provide two complete sets of files to the client
Files you will provide to the client
Upon winning a contest you are required to upload the following source files:
AI, EPS, SVG, & PDF with fully editable vectors
Fonts converted to outlines or shapes
Logo format: JPG with a background
Upload the following logo variations in 1:1 format (minimum 1000x1000 pixels)
PNG with a transparent background.
Colored background.
Black and white.
Solid colors (if the logo contains gradients or other effects, convert it to a solid color).
Upload the color codes used in the logo.
Upload the brand typeface.
The Brand Kit marks the beginning of the ongoing relationship between the client and the designer. The more detailed your vision of the future brand identity, the greater your chances of continuing to work with the client.
As a courtesy, we ask that you do your best to reasonably accommodate client requests for different file formats. Any requested files are to be delivered between you and the client through Direct messaging on the site. If the Client requests extra file preparation or additional concepts outside of what is required you can request a reasonable payment.
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