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Dispute management

Abuse reports


Abuse reports are a resolution system that aims to resolve designer disputes through community control and a well-worked-out framework that defines, manages, and resolves these reports. If we receive an abuse report the general steps are:-

  1. Review of the abuse report by our support who is trained and specialized in resolving these cases

    • Decision tree copyright infringements

    • Designer code of conduct

  2. Ask the accused designer for justification

  3. Review justification, decision, and communication between all involved parties

There are several case types that can be separated.

Case Types

Similar to my logo in this contest

  • A conflict between two designers in a contest.

    • Previous design modified in proportions, elements placements

    • Previous design was modified by removing or replacing parts

  • The losing designer will be allowed to remain in the contest

Similar to an existing logo

  • A potential similarity with a logo outside of the site

    • Is the copied design protected by copyright (yes/no)

    • Does the design have an open license (yes/no)

  • If a designer loses this type of case all their entries will be removed from the contest.


  • The inclusion or similarity to stock art which is against site rules

  • If a designer loses this type of case all their entries will be removed from the contest.


  • This type of case handles images that potentially trace internet content that the designer does not have the rights to

  • If a designer loses this type of case all their entries will be removed from the contest.

Support Review

Our support staff will review cases that designers or contest holders feel are unfair.

'Abuse report' guidelines

If a designer submits an image that contains elements that are obvious or potential violations of the copyrights of another company an investigation may be started to remove such designs so as to protect the designer and the community. An investigation may also be started if their image violates the terms of the site.

Please consider carefully before you create an 'abuse report'. A poor explanation can result in you losing your request.

If you feel your concept or design has been copied

If you feel your idea or design method is being copied you can start an abuse report. Be respectful. Provide clear language describing your concern and provide facts with links. The comments from others can also help you see if your thoughts have merit.

If you are contacted by support to remove your design

Please respond professionally. Do not post comments about the designer in any part of the contest.

If you are being investigated through an 'abuse report'

If you are a part of an 'abuse report' do not post anything to the client saying you disagree with the other designer or post anything, especially the avatar name of the designer, that is designed to gain sympathy for your concern. This includes comments about yourself or others. Posting to gain sympathy can put support in an unfavorable position, resulting in a bad situation for the community and for the site, and your account may be banned for doing so. You cannot tell the client that you are in an 'abuse report' dispute because a fellow designer has concerns about your design. Our support will handle all communication.

If you lose an 'abuse report' decision

If a designer loses a case, the offending design(s) can be removed and no longer available. It is also possible that all their entries will be removed and they will no longer be able to participate in that particular contest. Do not post comments to get sympathy from the client - be professional. If you have a problem, contact support. If the client asks what is happening please ask them to contact support. If you lose an 'abuse report' you may be banned from the site depending on the type of issue.

How to make a good case

Many designers lose the 'abuse report' case they start because they incorrectly explain their concerns. In order to get the best result and help support make the best judgment, please consider the following points when making an 'abuse report':

  • Is the design truly similar?

  • What exactly is too similar? Explain in clear language.

  • Are you defending a concept/idea?

  • Are you defending a method of design?

  • Are you defending both? (there is a distinct difference between "concept" and "design").

  • Are you defending font(s)? Common fonts for certain kinds of companies are not protected unless there is editing of the fonts in some unique manner.

  • Were you ranked high or #1 and feel the designer copied your design (follow the leader)? Was there a significant change in the direction of the offending designer?

  • Are you defending the layout? Common layouts are rarely supported as unique.

  • Are you defending color? Colors are rarely supported as unique.

  • Have you reviewed the brief to ensure no comments from the brief indicate a client's preference?

  • Is your own concept or design "obvious"? Have you used a search engine to type keywords along with "logo" to see if common logos are displayed? If they are displayed then your concept or design idea may not be supported.

Our support will want to know clear answers to these questions in order to make the best decision.

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