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For clients
How LogoLeague works
Launching your contest
Phases of the contest
Running a contest
Selecting finalists
Selecting winner
The source files
Logo transfer agreement
Invoice & Receipt
Hire A Designer
For designers
The Leagues
Your account
Designer code of conduct
Participating in a contest
Essential reading for designers
Managing Your Account
Files & formats

Money back guarantee

Normally, our clients do not need to use our Money-Back Guarantee.

LogoLeague contests are very successful, and our clients love their winning logos. It is a very rare situation when someone uses our Money-Back Guarantee. Statistically, our contests have a high rate of success. If you are participating in your contest it's going to be highly unlikely that you will require a refund. Most refunds are due to clients who are unable to participate in their contests due to unforeseen circumstances.

Free Extensions

If your contest isn't going in the right direction it's a good idea to have our staff take a look. You can also request a free extension. Usually, some brief improvements and additional direction to designers can turn things around. If that doesn't work you can use our Money Back Guarantee:

Money-Back Guarantee

  1. If you do not receive at least 50 entries, you will receive a 100% refund.

  2. If you receive more than 50 entries, you will receive your payment back less a USD 75 Participation fee that goes directly to the #1 designer.

The number of unique designs is assessed by looking at the number of separate entries that look different from each other. Variations will not be counted as a unique logo. This policy is in place to minimize your chance of being unsatisfied and to build confidence in your logo contest. This will attract the highest quality designers.

In both cases LogoLeague does not retain any fees. We believe we should not be earning anything if a client doesn't walk away happy

Brief / money back guarantee

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