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For clients
How LogoLeague works
Launching your contest
Phases of the contest
Running a contest
Selecting finalists
Selecting winner
The source files
Logo transfer agreement
Invoice & Receipt
Hire A Designer
For designers
The Leagues
Your account
Designer code of conduct
Participating in a contest
Essential reading for designers
Managing Your Account
Files & formats

How many logos can I anticipate receiving in a contest?

LogoLeague guarantees you one final winning logo. However, maybe there are several that you love and want to use/own. Our LogoLeague staff will help make any of those arrangements you need. These transactions are handled on a case-by-case basis, so please drop us an email and we will coordinate all of that between you and the designers.

Please contact [email protected] to send the request. You can also find a function to reach support on each logo design entry under the three vertical points in the upper right corner.

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